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Brigitta Muntendorf (*1980): Bright no more. Public privacy #6 (2017)
Kaistudio, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
Alexander Schubert: YOUR FOX'S, A DIRTY GOLD (2011) for one performer with voice, motion-sensors, e-gtr, live-electronics, light
Jagoda Szmytka: LOST (2016), song 2: LOST EXTENSION, music theatre at Warsaw Autumn
Frauke Aulbert: LITTLE ANGEL (1994), song 7 in: Jagoda Szmytka: LOST (2016), music theatre at Warsaw Autumn
Adriana Hölszky: MONOLOG (1977), female voice performer with timpani
Vinko Globokar: JENSEITS DER SICHERHEIT (1981)
Matthias Kaul: SILENCE IS MY VOICE (2005) voice, mouth speaker, tape
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