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21.2.2025 | 20:00 | 13. Salon Artists for Tolerance

Closing concert of Frauke Aulberts seminar "Voice in Contemporary Music" winter term 2025/25 at HfMT Hamburg

with works by Kaija Saariaho, John Cage, Kate Soper and Kristia Michael.

18.1.2025 | klub katarakt, Lange Nacht

Philipp Krebs: Abfertigung, Etüden

Gisbert Watty, e-guitar, Frauke Aulbert, sound projection

14.1.2025 | 20:00 | Unerhörte Musik, BKA-Theater Hamburg

Trio Generator: Less or more

with works by Anna Korsun, Samuel Tramin, Martin Daske, Kaspar Querfurth, Olga Krashenko and new works by Lukashevich and Hanna Eimermacher.


21.11.2024 | Acker Stadt Palast

Trio Generator : MIT und OHNE

with works by Alyssa Aska, Charlotte Seither, Katia Guedes, Danny Clay, Anna Clementi, Kari Besharse, Kaija Saariaho and new works by Marina Loukoshevich and Hanna Eimermacher

15.11.2024 | tba | ElekTrAktions, Theater Kontor Bremen

Artistic blind speed dating: Artists (who didn't know each other before) create a site-specific performance together in 24 hours and present it to a mixed audience. The focus is on electro-acoustic performance, which has so far been merged with dance, drama, old and new music and visual arts.

19.10.2024 | 10:00-16:00 | Hochschule für Musik Detmold

workshop "voice in contemporary music"

26.+27.10.2024 | 18:00/19:30 | Pauluskirche Bremerhaven

Rolling silence - a relaxed event for everyone.. who needs water

Ensemble Megaphon (Lenka Župková, Nastja Schkinder, Willi Hanne)

Sara Ezzel, Tanz; Frauke Aulbert, performance, voice

Vendula Nováková, stage director

works by Juliana Hodkinson, Kirsten Reese, David Monacchi, Eliane Radique, Yeongbin Lee, Charles Trenet, Nina Dragičević

6.10.2024 | 18:00 | St.Peter und Paul, Rössing

Karlheinz Stockhausen: STIMMUNG

Forum Neue Vokalmusik, direction: Frauke Aulbert

with: Natascha López, Beat Duddeck, Phillipp Lehmann, Cristie Finn, Frauke Aulbert, Tobias Schlierf



28.9.2024 | tba | Randfilmfest Kassel

Stummfilmvertonung "A page of madness"

with Frauke Aulbert, experimental voice, small instruments and electronics and

Michael Vorfeld, percussion+

19.9.2024 | 17:00 | Festival Steirischer Herbst, Graz

Natalia Pschenitschikova & friends

with Ute Wassermann, Lorena Izquierdo, Christian Kesten, Alexej Kokhanov, Frauke Aulbert, Natalia Pschenitschikova and Anna Clementi

14.9.2024 | Berlin Atonal, BHROX bauhaus reuse Mittelinsel des Ernst-Reuter-Platzes, Berlin

Trio Generator 2024 (with Natalia Pschenitschnikova and Anna Clementi)

works for 3 singers by Samir Odeh-Tamimi Jarich, Martin Daske (UA), Laurie Schwartz, Samuel Tramin, Kaspar Querfurth (UA) und Alexandra Filonenko


8.9.2024 | ERHÖRTES UNERHÖRTES, Rahlstedt, Hamburg

Werke von Marcia Lemke-Kern, Frauke Aulbert, Gordon Kampe u.a.

mit Ninon Gloger, Klavier

4.9.2024 | 19:00 | Villa Concordia Bamberg

Komponistinnenporträit Ann Cleare

29.6.2024 | LICHTHOF-Theater, Hamburg

Stimme X Festival - Light-Hof-Night from dusk till dawn

with Vendula Nováková, Daniel Dominguez, Hans-Jörg Kapp, Frauke Aulbert a.o.

23.6.2024 | Klangrauschen, Lübeck

Werke von Aulbert-Gloger, Jennifer Walshe, Gordon Kampe u.a.

mit Ninon Gloger, Klavier

1.+2.6 & 8.+9.6.2024 | Kreuzkirche Hannover

Rolling silence - a relaxed event for everyone.. who needs water

Ensemble Megaphon (Lenka Župková, Nastja Schkinder, Willi Hanne)

Sara Ezzel, Tanz; Frauke Aulbert, performance, voice

Vendula Nováková, stage director

works by Juliana Hodkinson, Kirsten Reese, David Monacchi, Eliane Radique, Yeongbin Lee, Charles Trenet, Nina Dragičević

31.5.2024 | 20:00 | Blurred Edges Festival, Kirche Palmaille

Das kaum wahrnehmbare Lächeln 

Kerstin Petersen, Orgel
Frauke Aulbert, Gesang
Ada Namani, Gong
Luisa Taraz, Sprecher*in

Works by Klaus Lang, Sigrid Ernst, Ruth Schontal, Siegrid Ernst and improvisations

15.5.2024 | 19:00 | Forum, HfMT Hamburg

Hamburg Contemporary

Arnold Schönberg: Pierrot Lunaire

Eine Aufführung des Seminars "Stimme in der Neuen Musik", Leitung: Frauke Aulbert

13.5.2024 | 20:00 | Forum, HfMT Hamburg

Hamburg Contemporary

Luigi Nono: La Fabbrica Illuminata

11.5.2024 | Wiesenburg Berlin

Trio Generator 2024 (with Natalia Pschenitschnikova and Anna Clementi)

works for 3 singers by Anna Korsun, Alisa Kobzar, Laurie Schwartz, Misato Mochizuki, Krista Micahel, Jürgen Grözinger, Natalia Pschenitschnikova, Olga Krashenko and Juhi Bansal

4.+5.5.2024 | KinderKinder, Kampnagel, Hamburg

backstage music with voice

works by Georges Aperghis, John Cage and Cathy Berberian, montage and staging by Frauke Aulbert


26.4.2024 | 20:00 | Der Hölle Nachklang, Kreuzkirche Chemnitz

Werke für Stimme und Orgel von Juliana Hodkinson, Dimitri Terzakis, Sigrid Ernst, Thea Musgrave, Klaus Lang, Per Nørgård und Ruth Schonthal

mit Kerstin Petersen, Konzertorganistin

13.+14.4.2024 | ORBIT cologne, Alte Feuerwache Köln

Voice Lab - Post Internet Dance Edition
musik theatre-performance

a production by Frauke Aulbert, with music by Frauke Aulbert, Brigitta Muntendorf, Meredith Monk, Georges Crumb and Jennifer Walshe


from 1.4.2024 | teaching at HMT Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Leipzig

24.3.2024 | 15:00 | Silent Green, Berlin

Éiríocht: New Music from Ireland - Festival German-Irish Friendship

Ann Cleare: Cúigiú Cúige (exerpts)

22.+23.3.2024 | Sprechwerk Hamburg

The Melodic Society - musik theatre-performance

a production by Aulbert/Saiki, with music by Laure M. Hiendly, Brigitta Muntendorf, Frauke Aulbert, Fojan Gharibnejad

8.3.2024 | Festival Aspekte, Szene Salzburg

with Names Ensemble and Marco Sala, contra bass clarinet

works by Brigitta Muntendorf, Frauke Aulbert, Georges Aperghis, Louis d'Heudieres (premiere), Tímea Hvozdíková (premiere)

23.2.2024 | 19:00 | Gera, Kultur- und Kongresszentrum

Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf: Ukraine-Triptychon (premiere). Kyiv Symphony Orchestra, Luigo Gaggero (conductor), Frauke Aulbert / Enikö Ginzery /Jürgen Ruck (soloists)

14.2.2024 | 19:30 | Fanny-Hensel-Saal, HfMT Hamburg

Abschlusskonzert Seminar "Stimme in der Neuen Musik"

works by Luciano Berio, John Cage, Katharina Rosenberger, George Crumb, Georges Aperghis a.o.

3.2.2024 | Zinnschmelze Hambug

Workshop "Vocal Acrobatics"


22.11.-13.12.2023 | Concert tour Senegal and Guinea Bisau

24.+24.11. Sine Saloum Science Art Festival

28.+29.11. Artist residency at Dëkandoo (Gandiol)

1.12.-12.12. Artist residency at Katchu Patio das artes/Assoziation Aperlarte

4.-6.12. Tabatô, musicians village

7.12. Workshop José Carlos Schwartz choir in Boor 

9.12. Performance at Katchu Centro Cultural Franco-Bissau-Guineense (CCFBG)

with Karoline Banke, João Carlos Silva, Nádia Monteiro Naque

supported by the Goethe Institute

14.11.2023 | visting Kunstuniversität Bern

conference. rethinking study objectives and study contents for contemporary music in the future

11.-13.11.2023 | Hamburg

rehearsaling for Tabula rasa - feminist version

music-theatre performance (march 2024)

with new collaborative performative works by Aulbert/Saiki and Laure M. Hiendl, Brigitta Muntendorf, Marcelo F. Lazcano and Fojan Gharibnejad

supported by Fonds für Darstellende Künste and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung

4.11.2023 | 20:00 | Film Shop, Kassel


classical japanese Kouta and Jiuta arepertoire and experimental music

Joshua Weitzel, Shamisen

28.10.2023 | 10:00 | Musikhochschule Leipzig

performance lecture and masterclass

27.10.2023 | 19:30 | Musikhochschule Leipzig

Frauke Aulbert: Vocal Acrobatics, solo concert

29.9.2023 | tba | Kunstraum 34, Stuttgart

Frauke Aulbert: Utopia Macramé (full version)

21.-24.9.2023 | Konfriends Chemnitz

6.9.2023 | 19:00 | BLACKBOX Poesie 10, Ledigenheim Hamburg

Frauke Aulbert: Utopia Macramé (short version)

29.8.2023 | 20:00 | Ruderclub Bille, Hamburg

First rehearsal with a new overtone, ambient and experimental choir Hamburg

Every Tuesday, mail Frauke when interested in participating

17.-19.8.2023 | Visiting Darmstädter Ferienkurse

24.+25.6.2023 | Videotaping for "Tabula Rasa"

Aulbert/Saiki record collaborations with Brigitta Muntendorf

15.-19.6.2023 | Videotaping for "Tabula Rasa"

Aulbert/Saiki record collaborations with Marcelo F. Lazcano, Fojan Gharibnejad and a new piece by Frauke Aulbert

3.6.23 | 20:00 | Festival Blurred Edges, Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg

Shut Up ’n Play Yer Guitar (or sing some Insect Melodies)

Romitelli, Globokar, Mathis Saunier, Enno Poppe and Frauke Aulbert

Soli by Frauke Aulbert and Gisbert Watty (e-guitar, classical guitar)

24.5.2023 | 18-20:00 | Universität Oldenburg

lecture-talk "performing voice in contemporary music"

12.5.2023 | 20:00 | Theater im Delfi, Berlin

also 13.5. and 14.5.
Hum-an-Orchestra, Musiktheaterproduktion des OperLab Berlin

Auf dem Weg die Digitale Revolution zu vollenden, muss die Menschheit das Echo vergangener Vorurteile überwinden: In der musiktheatralischen Adaption von Mauricio Kagels „Zwei Mann Orchester“ werden die Menschen nahtlos in die kollektive digitale Maschine eingebunden und erforschen ihre neuen zwischenmenschlichen Dynamiken, um gegen den Status quo zu rebellieren.

with: tadklimp (Sound Design), Amanda Bailey, Samuel Chalela Puccini (Video), Evan Gardner (Künstlerische Leitung), Alba Gentili-Tedeschi, Franka Herwig, Gina May Walter (Regie), Frauke Aulbert, Ruben Nsue, Guilherme Rodrigues, Francesca Verga (Musikalische Leitung), Simon Walker (Designer Live-Elektronik), Davis West a.o.

3.5.2023 | 20:30 | Forum der HfMT Hamburg

Cat Hope: Speechless

Opera for 4 soloists, Bass Ensemble,choir, video and elektronics. It is a wordless, animated notation opera intended as a personal response to the 2014 Human Rights Commission report ‘The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention’.

with: Yalda Zamani (Leitung), vocal soli: Frauke Aulbert, Marcia Lemke-Kern, Hêja Netirk, Moxi Beidenegl

21.4.2023 | New Music Dublin, National Concert Hall Dublin

Ann Cleare: Midhe - New Large Scale Work for moving Soloists, Large Choir, and Orchestra

Voice soloists: Frauke Aulbert, Michelle O'Rourke,

RTE National Symphony Orchestra and RTE Philharmonic Choir

Text: Annemarie Ní Churreáin

Visual director: Justine Cooper

Film: Ailbhe Ní Bhriain

29.3.2022 | 19:30 | Kampnagel Hamburg

Daniel Dominguez: "Voices"


further performances:

30. (19:30) +31.3.2023 (20:45), 1.4.2023 (20:45)

13.-28.3.2023 | rehearsaling for Daniel Dominguez: "Voices"

6.+7.3.2023 | KUG Graz | masterclass "Vocal Acrobatics"

25.2.2023 | 19:00 | Frequenz-Festival, Atelierhaus im Anscharpark, Kiel

voice lab dance edition

1.-5.2.2023 | recording for Ann Cleare: Bog Medicine

17.-22.1.2023 | rehearsaling for Daniel Dominguez: "Voices"

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6.12.2022 | 19:30 | Lauschvisite Montabaur

Vocal acrobatics. Werke für Solostimme

Soundkaskaden, palatale Salti, Tierstimmen, Superman, Rock’n’Roll. Ein Soloabend mit Frauke Aulbert und ihren Lieblings-Kunststücken verspricht virtuose circensische Vokalakrobatik. Präsentiert werden Werke von u.a. Jennifer Walshe, Georges Aperghis, Meredith Monk und Eigencreationen der Performerin.

4.12.2022 | 19:00 | Kooperative New Jazz Wiesbaden

mit Eva Zöllner, Akkorden

Werke von François Sarhan, Maja Ratkje, Melica Djordjevic, Frauke Aulbert etc.


24.11.2022 | 20:15 | Vexierbilder, Lichthof-Theater Hamburg


Performatives Musiktheater von und mit Frauke Aulbert, zwei Hommagen an Merdeith Monk und Nina Hagen und weiterer Musik von Brigitta Muntendorf, Jennifer Walshe und George Crumb

Jakob Boeck, Lichtdesign, Bühne, Dramaturgie

Beata Berger, Ton

weitere Termine:

25., 26.11.2022, 20:15

27.11.2022, 18:00


13.-16.10.2022 | Konzerthaus Berlin


musik theatre by Ole Hübner. performance for ensemble, vocal performer and object

with Ensemble Hanatsu Miroir, Kapitolina Tcvetkova Plotnikova (scenery), Jürgen Genuit (libretto)


10.10.2022 | tba | Reihe Kontraklang,Villa Elisabeth Berlin

performance, music + videos by Nina Hagen, Meredith Monk, Jennifer Walshe, Frauke Aulbert, George Crumb

24.-25.9.2022 | Musik 21, Hannover

to sing or not to sing

19.-22.9.2022 | Festival Ensems Valencia

performances and workshops

19.9.2022 |16:00 | Conservatorio superior de música "Joaquín Rodrigo"

performance lecture

20.9.2022 | 18:00 | Aula Magistral del Palau de Les Arts

Voice lab dance edition - works by Monk, Poppe, Aperghis, Aulbert and Walshe

to sing or not to sing - 1:1 concerts :

21.9.2022 | 15:30-17:45 | Estudio El Almudín

21.9.2022 | 15:30-17:45 | Cosín Estudio

22.9.2022 | 18:45-21:00 | Merkato Hub

22.9.2022 | 18:45-21:00 | Tíscar Design study

15.+16.9.2022 | Festival für Immaterielle Kunst

concerts, performances, workshops, panels

in and around the Elbphilharmonie

23.7.-14.8.2022 | Strandbad Tegelsee

Monstercall: Music to dive for

Fixed media played under water. Works by Tintin Patrone, Sebastian Faust, Markus Hechtle, Leo Frick, Kirsten Reese, Haku Sungho, Frauke Aulbert, François Sarhan, Florian Walter, Benjamin Scheuer, Audrey Chen a.m.m.

15.6.2022 | 20:00 | Faktor Hamburg, Blurred Edges Festival

Gisbert Watty (e-guitar) plays Vinko Globokar + Fausto Romitelli

Frauke Aulbert sings + performs Humans and other insects

3.6.2022 | 20:00 | Faktor Hamburg, Blurred Edges Festival



28.5.2022 | 20:00 | PAF, AckerStadtPalast Berlin


27.5.2022 | 22:00 | PAF, AckerStadtPalast Berlin


13.5.2022 | 20:00 | Frequenz-Festival, Stralsund

voice lab dance edition

8.5.2022 | tba | Reihe Kontraklang, arkaoda Berlin ->changed to 10.10.2022 due to  a Covid infection

performance, music + videos by Nina Hagen, Meredith Monk, Jennifer Walshe, Frauke Aulbert, George Crumb

7.5.2022 | 18:00 | Frequenz-Festival, Anscharcampus Haus 1, Kiel

voice lab dance edition

21.4.2022 | 19:30 | Hermann-Levi-Saal Gießen

Humans and other insects

works by Meredith Monk, Enno Poppe, Aurélie Nyirabikali Liermann, Joachim Schütz+Frauke Aulbert, Frauke Aulbert, Ole Hübner

Feb/March 2022 | recording with Sebastian Borsch

Arnulf Hermann: Rockabye in C, soprano and contrabass clarinet

6.2.2022* | 15:00 | BAAL novo Theater Eurodistrict


musik theatre by Ole Hübner. performance for ensemble, vocal performer and object

with Ensemble Hanatsu Miroir, Kapitolina Tcvetkova Plotnikova (scenery), Jürgen Genuit (libretto)

*also: 7.2.2022 | 10:30

13.1.2022* | 19:30 | Ballsaal Kraftwerk Bille, Hamburg

Schubertadaptionen: Aus vierundzwanzig 2

Komposition: Uwe Rasch, Leitung: RASTAKA (Musikalische Leitung: Felix Stachelhaus, Szenografie: Malina Raßfeld, Regie: Hans-Jörg Kapp), Dramaturgie: Julian Kämper.

mit Jana de Troyer, Saxophon, Tim Maaß, Bariton, Frauke Aulbert, Bewegungsperformance

*auch: 14., 15.1.2022 | 19:30 und 16.1.2022 | 18:00

Jan-Feb 2022 | Artist-in-residency at Lichthof Theater Hamburg

working on the topic "Die semipermeable Leinwand als lebendiges Relief"

with a Take Heart Residency grant

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17.12.2021 | 20:00 | Studio 45, Künstlerhaus Wendenstr. 45, Hamburg

voice lab dance edition (premiere)

weird stuff for voice and body movement. with works by Frauke Aulbert, Meredith Monk and Nina Hagen


10.12.2021 | Workshop at Musikhochschule Lübeck II ->postponed to February 2022

Performance in Contemporary Musik, music, movement, body and presence

25.11.2021 | 19:30 | Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Nordlied: Hybride. Mit Anne Sophie von Otter & Ensemble / Frauke Aulbert

Works by Berio, Aulbert a.o.

18.11.2021 | tba | A Library (tba) in Essen

Jennifer Walshe: My Extensive Relationship with Mr. Stephen Patrick M.

with Ensemble S201

10.11.2021 | Workshop at Musikhochschule Lübeck I

Performance in Contemporary Musik, music, movement, body and presence

5.-7.11.2021 | 19:00 (16:00 sunday) | FRISE Hamburg

exhibition by Katharina Duve

with overtone singing performances by Frauke Aulbert

28.10.2021 | 20:30 | Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Decoder Ensemble 10 years anniversary

with: Brigitta Muntendorf: Play me back and forth

7.10.2021 | 19:00 | Alte Feuerwache Köln

SPARK Festival : Vorglühen #1

Solo voice works by Walshe, Berberian, Aulbert

3.10.2021 | 19:00 | Oberrotenstein leuchtet, Rottweil (D)

Glasskulpturen von Tobias Kammerer, Installation: Philippe Wozniak, Stimme+Performance: Frauke Aulbert



28.9.2021 | 19:00 | Taschenopernfestival, SZENE Salzburg (AUT)

also: 29.9., 1.10., 2.10.2021

Iris ter Shiphorst: Undine geht (world premier)

Thierry Bruehl, stage director, Names Ensemble, Peter Rundel, musical director

11.+12.9.2021 | tba | Festival für Immaterielle Kunst 2021, Kampnagel, Hamburg

program tba

14.8.2021 | 15:00 | WestWerk, Kultursommer Hamburg

Vocal acrobatics

Aulbert, Aperghis, Berberian etc.

11.8.2021 | 20:00 | Gängeviertel, Kultursommer Hamburg

Utopia Macramé

7.8.2021 | 15:00 | Abrax-Kadabrax-Bühne, Kultursommer Hamburg

Vocal acrobatics

Jennifer Walshe: G.L.O.R.I., Cathy Berberian: Stripsody

5.8.2021 | 20:30 | Worst behavior / KM28, Berlin 

Utopia Macramé

Berlin premiere!

4.8.2021 | 20:00 | Gängeviertel, Kultursommer Hamburg

Utopia Macramé

30.7.2021 | 17:30-21:30 | Chorsaal der Christianskirche Ottensen, Hamburg

one-to-one performances

Frauke Aulbert: To sing or not to sing - individual program for each visitor

only 9 slots! Please reserve:

17:30-17:45, 17:55-18:10, 18:20-18:35, 18:45-19:00, 19:10-19:25, 20:00-20:15, 20:25-20:40, 20:50-21:05, 21:15-21:30

online or live performance, as you wish!

Kindly supported by Dorit & Alexander Otto Stiftung

24.7.2021 | various | Platz Konzert, public spaces in Trier (D)

Milica Djordjevic, Maja Ratkje, François Sarhan, Thomas Rath, Improvisation

with Eva Zöllner, accordion

July-Dec 2021 | Neustart Klassik fellowship

"Genre von der unerquicklichsten Gemischtheit"

working on Ursonate and melodrama

(26.6.2021)->5.8.2021 | tba | Worst behavior / KM28, Berlin 

Utopia Macramé

Berlin premiere!

(25.6.2021) | 22:00 | Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg -> postponed to July/August

Utopia Macramé

19.6.2021 | 18:00 | Hauskonzert Potsdam (D)

K O K O R O - Japanese traditional music and geisha repertoire

with Su Bunjamin, shamisen

10.-12.6.2021 | various | Espace K, Strasbourg (FR) with live audience!

Ole Hübner: Alice (world premier)

musik theatre performance for ensemble, vocal performer and object

with Ensemble Hanatsu Miroir, Kapitolina Tcvetkova Plotnikova (scenery), Jürgen Genuit (libretto)

(1.7.2021) | tba | Herrmann-Levi-Saal, Giesen (D) POSTPONED for the 2nd time! To 2022

Humans and other insects | solo voice and body performance (premiere)

Aulbert (premier), Hübner, Monk, Liermann, Aperghis, Poppe

2.6.2021 | 20:00 | Blurred Edges Festival, Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg

one-to-one performances

Frauke Aulbert: To sing or not to sing - individual program for each visitor

only 9 slots! Please reserve:

17:30-17:45, 17:55-18:10, 18:20-18:35, 18:45-19:00, 19:10-19:25, 20:00-20:15, 20:25-20:40, 20:50-21:05, 21:15-21:30

please note: it is not confirmed yet if we can meet live or online, but it will be an individual meeting one-to-one in any case

Kindly supported by Dorit & Alexander Otto Stiftung

2.6.2021 | 20:00 | Blurred Edges Festival, Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg  -> postponed to autumn 2021

Solo performance for voice, bodymovement/dance and video. premiere

works by Monk, Hagen, Aulbert

(22.1.2021) new date! 27.5.2021 | tba | Katarakt Festival, Kampnagel Hamburg -> online stream!

Matthias Kaul in memoriam

"Silence is my voice" for voice, tape and mouth speaker

25.5.2021 | tba | Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Kleiner Saal -> postponed!

10 - Jahre - Decoder Ensemble

Brigitta Muntendorf a.o.

21.5.2021 | 20:00 | ZiMMT Leipzig -> online stream!

DARK WEB, performance-installation-music-theater (premiere)

by Michiko Saiki, Tatiana Gersimenok and Frauke Aulbert


17.4.2021 | tba | Worst behavior / KM28, Berlin postponed to 26.6.2021

Utopia Macramé

Berlin premiere!

Jan-June 2021 | Musikfonds fellowship

working on "voice and movement"

Dec 20- Jan 21 | Artist-in-residency at Wiese eG Hamburg

working on the topic "Performativität in Ritualen"

with a Take Care Residency grant

27.11.2020 | 20:30 | Cité de la Musique Paris (FR) cancelled due to COVID 19

Série Rose

Aperghis, Anderson, Hodkinson, Schulhoff

14.11.2020 | tba | Resonanzraum Hamburg (D) postponed to autumn 2021 due to COVID 19


Hölszky: Es kamen schwarze Vögel | Monolog | Vampirabile

30./31.10.+1.11.2020 | tba | M-Bassy, Hamburg (D)

Dead Dance Zone

with Yolanda Gutiérrez (concept) and Moussa Issiaka (performance)

24.10.2020 | 20:00 | Galerie21 im Vorwerkstift, Hamburg (D)


Improvisations with Hannes Wienert, Tintin Patrone, Björn Lücker

22.10.20 | 19:30 | Herrmann-Levi-Saal, Gießen (D) postponed to July 2021 due to COVID 19

Humans and other insects | solo voice and body performance

Aulbert (premier), Hübner, Monk, Liermann, Aperghis, Poppe

26.-29.9.2020 | Festival für Immaterielle Kunst

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Frauke Aulbert, curation

18.9.2020 | 20:00 | Weltecho Chemnitz

Sammelsurien: Schnebel, Ratkje, Djodjevic, Scelsi, Cage

with Eva Zöllner, Akkordeon

30.6.2020 | 20:00 | Wenn schon zu Hause, dann privat (Hamburg and everywhere)

Frauke Aulbert - Wenn schon zu Hause, dann privat | Since we're at home, let's be privat (2020)

Ein Projekt des Online Musicking Call Mai / Juni 2020 des Verbands für aktuelle Musik Hamburg,

gefördert von der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg.

Weitere Projekte:

22.-26.6.2020 |14:30 | Five Absurd Encounters (Hamburg and everywhere)

22.6.2020 : RESEARCH! zoom meeting for off-sounds

23.6.2020 : UNDERWATER SINGING - sound experiment

24.6.2020 : DISCO - community afternoon disco

25.6.2020 : SHOWER FOR ME - singing in the bathroom. musical performance

26.6.2020 : SING - RUN FAST -SING - online community musical sport

more INFO and how to PARTICIPATE

5.4.2020 | 17:00 | Institute Francais Kyoto (JP) cancelled due to COVID 19 

Journée de la Frankophonie

Yannick Paget | Frauke Aulbert

1.4.2020 | 19.00 | Asahi Coffee Hiroshima (JP) cancelled due to COVID 19 

"Spring concert"

Yasuo Fujii, Sato Nori | Frauke Aulbert | Kyoko Sato

28.3.2020 | 14:00 | Iwakura-Shrine Kyoto (JP) - time changed to 14:00!

Dedication of Dance : Rhythm of Tea. Kamigata-mai dance performance

Class of Iori Kolar-sensei

21.3.2020 | 18:00 | MIIT House Osaka (JP) - cancelled due to COVID 19 


Chikako Bando (dance) | Mitsuki Matsumoto, Frauke Aulbert, Jerry Gordon (sound)

12.1.-9.4.2020  | artist-fellowship at Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto (JP)

10.1.2020 | 20:00 | Átlátszó Hang (Transparent Sound), Budapest (HU)

Voice Lab

Aulbert | A. Schubert | Muntendorf | Aperghis | Nono | Berberian

6.12.2019 | 19:30 | Deutsche Oper Berlin (D)

Chaya Czernowin: Heart Chamber

30.11.2019 | 19:30 | Deutsche Oper Berlin (D)

Chaya Czernowin: Heart Chamber



26.11.2019 | 19:30 | Deutsche Oper Berlin (D)

Chaya Czernowin: Heart Chamber



21.11.2019 | 19:30 | Deutsche Oper Berlin (D)

Chaya Czernowin: Heart Chamber



15.11.2019 | 19:30 | Deutsche Oper Berlin (D)

Chaya Czernowin: Heart Chamber



2.10.2019 | 19:00 | Oh Ton, Oldenburg (D)

Aulbert: Voice Lab - Blind Auditions

Aulbert: Musi Terror TV, Voice Lab, FOX BOX, Einblick in das Künstlerdasein oder Wie zur Hölle kommt man dazu, solche Musik zu machen (UA's) | Schubert | Crumb | Walshe | Mozart


27.9.2019 |19:00 | Zu Hören in Winsen, L’art pour l’art, Winsen (Luhe), Altes Forsthaus (D)

Matthias Kaul | Cathy van Eck



7.9.2019 | tba | Festival Musik 21, Hannover (D)

Matthias Kaul | Cathy van Eck



15.6.2019 | 18:00 | Blurred Edges Festival, Westwerk Hamburg (D)

Frauke Aulbert: Utopia Macramé (premier)

Analog-interactive lecture-performance



3.6.2019 | 21:30 | Klang!, Literaturhaus Copenhagen (DK)

Série Rose: works by Brigitta Muntendorf | Frauke Aulbert | Erwin Schulhoff | Juliana Hodkinson&Niels Rønsholdt

10.-12.5.2019 | see below | Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik, Witten (D)

Manos Tsangaris: Es geht voran (UA)

Kammerspiel für Sangerin, Schauspieler, Blasinstrumente, Schlagzeug, Passanten und Audio-Übertragung

10.5.: 17-19:30

11.5.: 13-15:30 + 17-19:30

12.5.: 12-15:30



17.4.2019 | 19:00 | Instituto Cervantes Hamburg (D)

La Ausencia, with Gisbert Watty, guitar          

Roberto Gerhard, Matilde Salvador, Luis de Pablo, Marcos Balter, Arturo Fuentes, Manuel de Falla



15.4.2019 | tba | Conservatorio Superior de Musica „Joaquin Rodrigo“, Valencia (ES)

workshop for composers and interprets



14.4.2019 | 12:00 | Mostra Sonora Sueca, L’Espai Fuster Sueca (ES)

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Stimmung

Forum Neue Vokalmusik, Leitung: Frauke Aulbert



5.+6.4.2019 | Deutsche Oper Berlin (D)

recording for Chaya Czernowin: Heart Chamber



29.3.2019 | 20:00 | KunstKulturkirche Frankfurt (D)

Sammelsurien, with Eva Zöllner, accordion

Sarhan | Cage | Ratkje | Djordjevic | Lang | Schnebel | Hilgedard von Bingen



7.2.-8.3.2019 | Collect/Project Roadrip! (USA)

27.2.2019 | 19:30 | Western Michigan University, Dalton Centre Recital Hall

1.3.2019 | 20:00 | Elastic Arts Chicago

4.3.2019 | Bowling Green State University, Bryan Recital Hall

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fotos: Richard Stoehr,

Gerhard Kühne

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